A JavaScript plugin that generates a feature-rich data table that supports any data type such as static HTML table, JS arrays, JS objects, and Ajax JSON data.
Firstname | Lastname | |
Linus | Torvalds | Computer Science |
Brian | Kernighan | Computer Science |
Blaise | Pascal | Mathematics |
Larry | Page | Computer Science |
Richard | Hamming | Mathematics |
Grace | Hopper | Computer Science |
Pierre | Bezier | Mathematics |
Shigeru | Miyamoto | Computer Science |
Leslie | Lamport | Computer Science |
Rasmus | Lerdorf | Computer Science |
Xavier | Leroy | Computer Science |
Albert | Einstein | Physics |
Bill | Gates | Computer Science |
Leonard | De Vinci | Mathematics |
Pierre | De Fermat | Mathematics |
René | Descartes | Mathematics |
Alan | Turing | Computer Science |
Ada | Lovelace | Computer Science |
Isaac | Newton | Physics |
Carl Friedrich | Gauss | Mathematics |
John | Von Neumann | Computer Science |
Claude | Shannon | Mathematics |
Tim | Berners-Lee | Computer Science |
Richard | Stallman | Computer Science |
Dennis | Ritchie | Computer Science |
Bjarne | Stroustrup | Computer Science |
Steve | Jobs | Computer Science |
Steve | Wozniak | Computer Science |
Mario | Molina | Chemistry |